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Self-Healing Your Trauma: Harnessing the Power of Your Highly Sensitive Nature

Do you often find yourself overwhelmed by the circumstances of your life and struggling to feel centered and grounded in your body? Do you struggle to maintain inner safety, ease, and connection through stressful times? Perhaps, you’ve tried all of the remedies to manage and heal your trauma, yet your body still feels stuck, triggered and unable to find freedom from it. Your highly sensitive nature often feels overwhelming and uncontrollable, causing more pain and conflict. What if your highly sensitive nature is actually a gift you can hone? What if it’s the key to liberating yourself from your trauma? You’re called to evolve your being, overcome your past, and transform your life.

In this workshop, Nathan will lead you in discovering vital concepts that will support your exploration with somatic exercises, and energetic skills designed to tap into your highly sensitive gift. We’ll be working with the body-mind connection and teaching your highly sensitive nature, through postural adjustments and energetic techniques, how to create the bond with the innate intelligence of the body that self-heals. We’ll discuss these techniques in depth before practicing them in various poses and learn why they’re the crucial element to freeing up energy and resources needed to liberate our bodies from trauma.

For the exercises, we’ll be in sitting posture and back-lying posture on the floor for extended periods of time in the barn space. The exercises will be more static and meditative in nature and include small refined movements as we tune into our energetic perception. All experience levels are welcome! Please wear comfortable, freely-moving clothing and bring a yoga mat, yoga block and/or sitting cushion for comfort during the exercises. Feel free to bring any other items for comfort like an extra layer, supportive bolsters, blanket, water, and a journal for notes/reflection. 

Feel free to reach out to Nathan with any questions you may have:

Nathan Mattola of Inner Wisdom Healing Collective is a somatic healing practitioner licensed in massage therapy. He specializes in working with the spine and nervous system to facilitate the body’s innate intelligence to self-heal from trauma and chronic defense patterns stored in the body.

Investment: $30 (fees may apply through EventBrite)

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